Notice Type
Notice Title

Cessation of Anti–dumping Duties on

Refrigerator–Freezers, Refrigerators and
Washing Machines From the Republic of Korea
The Chief Executive of the Ministry of Economic Development gives notice that, in terms of section 14 (9)
of the Dumping and Countervailing Duties Act 1988, anti dumping duties on refrigerator freezers, refrigerators and washing machines from the Republic of Korea ceased to be payable with effect from 10 June 2006.
The anti-dumping duties ceased to be payable on that date because at that date the goods were not subject to review and five years had passed since the date of the final determinations, given under section 13 (1) of the Dumping and Countervailing Duties Act 1988* by the Minister of Commerce, that the goods were being dumped and were causing material injury to the New Zealand industry producing like goods.
Dated at Wellington this 14th day of June 2006.
ANNE CORRIGAN, Manager, Tariff Policy and Trade Rules Group, Regulatory and Competition Policy Branch.
*Refer to “Final Determination of Dumping Investigation: Household Refrigerator-Freezers and Refrigerators From Korea”, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 14 June 2001, No. 61, page 1363, and “Final Determination of Dumping Investigation: Household Washing Machines From Korea”, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 14 June 2001, No. 61, page 1362.