Notice Type
General Notices
Notice Title

Notice of Entry into Possession of Mortgaged Property

Section 104DD of the Property Law Act 1952
Take notice that on 28th July 2006, the Hastings Building Society entered into possession of the following property, pursuant to memorandum of mortgage 6256859.3, situated at 243 St Johns Road, St Johns, Auckland (estate in leasehold).
The registered office of Hastings Building Society is at
201 Market Street North, Hastings.
Any correspondence pertaining to this matter should be directed to the offices of S J Scannell & Co, solicitors
for the Hastings Building Society, 122 Queen Street
East (P.O. Box 804), Hastings. Telephone: (06) 876 6699. Facsimile: (06) 876 4114.