Notice Type
Land Notices
Corrigendum Pursuant to section 6 (3) of the Reserves Act 1977, and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the Community Relations Manager, Canterbury, hereby amends the notice authorising an exchange of part of a reserve for other land, dated 18 November 1998, and published in the New Zealand Gazette, No. 191, page 4494, as follows: 1. Deleting the reference to ``Part C.T. 420/204'' in the First Schedule and substituting in it's place ``Part C.T. 430/204''. 2. Deleting the reference to ``Part C.T. 420/205'' in the Second Schedule and substituting in it's place ``Part C.T. 430/205''. Dated at Christchurch this 7th day of December 1998. CHERYL COLLEY, Community Relations Manager, Canterbury. (DOC D.O. RSR 013)2
Publication Date
10 Dec 1998

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