Notice Type
Pesticides Product Revocation Notice (No. 1024; Ag. P.B.154) Pursuant to section 29 (4) of the Pesticides Act 1979, the Pesticides Board hereby gives notice of the revocation of the following pesticides: Product Name Registration[el]No. Grounds for[el]Revocation Effective[el]Date of[el]Revocation [rs1] Fly Ban Insecticide 3742 Requested by proprietor 29.02.96 Exocet Fly Spray 4530 29.02.96 Yates Bordeaux Mixture Ingredient 420 31.08.96 Yates Universal Weedkiller 702 31.08.96 Slug & Snail Pellets 744 31.08.96 Yates House Plant Insect Spray 1321 31.08.96 Yates Garden Insect Dust 1812 31.08.96 Yates Pest Master 2309 31.08.96 Yates Turfix 2491 30.08.96 Sumicidin 20 WP 2811 31.08.96 Copper Oxychloride 50 WP 3173 31.08.96 Yates Trigger Lawn Weed 3215 31.08.96 Yates Manzeb 3488 31.08.96 Resene Vinyl Anti-Fouling 3854 31.08.96 Kocide 4035 31.08.96 Dryspray Oil No. 2 4146 31.08.96 Amercoat 70 ESP 4162 31.08.96 Weedstick Ready-To-Use Weedspray 4605 31.08.96 Buccaneer Superspeed SP 52 4704 31.08.96 Pallinal 2626 30.09.96 Captor 480 FL 3985 30.09.96 No Moss `n' Weeds 4748 30.09.96 Dated at Wellington this 11th day of November 1996. G. DEUSS, Registrar (appointed pursuant to section 12 (2) (l) of the Pesticides Act 1979 and section 62 (1) of the State Sector Act 1988). (Ag.154)
Publication Date
21 Nov 1996

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