Notice Type
General Section
Notice Title

Open Season for Game in Fish and Game Regions Amendment (No. 2)

Pursuant to sections 15 and 16 of the Wildlife Act 1953, the Minister of Conservation amends the notice titled “Open Season for Game in Fish and Game Regions”, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 6 March 2019, Notice No. 2019-gs743, as follows:

Beneath the heading “Auckland/Waikato Fish and Game Region” in the Second Schedule, omit from the table under the clause headed “1. Game That May be Hunted or Killed—Duration of 2019/2020 Season” the rows referring to “Cock pheasant” and “Red legged partridge.”

Beneath the heading “Auckland/Waikato Fish and Game Region” in the Second Schedule, insert at the end of the table under the clause headed “1. Game That May be Hunted or Killed—Duration of 2019/2020 Season” the additional rows as shown below:

Cock pheasant

4 May to 25 Aug 2019


All areas except upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 6 for this Region


31 Aug to 29 Sep 2019

No limit

Whaingaroa Pheasants upland game property with special conditions specified in clause 6 for this region (junior hunters only)

Pheasant, both sexes

4 May to 25 Aug 2019

No limit

Upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 6 for this Region

Red-legged partridge

4 May to 25 Aug 2019


All areas except upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 6 for this Region


4 May to 25 Aug 2019

1 Apr to 1 May 2020

No limit

Upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 6 for this Region

Beneath the heading “Auckland/Waikato Fish and Game Region” in the Second Schedule, insert after the clause headed “5. Closed Game Areas” the following clause:

6. Upland Game Properties with Special Conditions

  1. This clause applies to the following specified properties only:
    1. Leigh Barton property at 314 Aspin Road, Cambridge. The property is owned by J. & C. Erkkila Family Trust, located north-east of Cambridge. The boundaries are Aspin Road to the north, and private farm land to the east and west with Mangakawa Reserve to the south. The property is 211 hectares, more or less, and contained in Certificate of Title SA674/278.
    2. Glen Burn Park being some 147 hectares at 381 Waitomo Valley Road, Otorohanga, comprising Lot 2 DP 416788, owned by Robert Johnston, and 388 Waitomo Valley Road, Otorohanga, comprising Section 34 BLK V11 Orahiri SD, owned by Patrick Tarrant.
    3. Whaingaroa Pheasants. The property is owned by Raglan Land Company Limited being some 377 hectares at 276 Maungatawhiri Road, Raglan, Lot 4 DP 433621 BLKS 11 1V V1 Karioi SD, and 271C Bensemen Road, Raglan, Lot 3 DP 443512, and 343 Te Hutewai Road, Raglan, Lot 5 DP 447258, Lot 6 DP 447258.
    4. Glen Massey Game Preserve: The property is owned by Tutsham Limited being some 292 hectares and located west of Wilton Collieries Road, comprising lot 1 DPS 79675, Lot 2 DPS 78878, Lot 3 DPS 78878, Sec 2A BLK 1X Newcastle SD, situated in the Northern Waikato.
    5. Lighthouse Station: The property is owned by Lighthouse Station Limited being some 354 hectares and located west of Manukau Heads Road and north of Dickey Road, Awhitu, comprising Certificates of Titles 666156, NA2D/852, NA129A/547, NZ1011/239, NZ333/280, NA2D/933, NA129A/546, NA129/549, NA129A/548.
  2. Where hunting takes place in any specified property defined in this notice, no person shall have in that person’s possession outside that specified property, any game taken from that specified property, unless affixed to the game is a label with the name of the specified property where that game was taken or killed written legibly on it, and the additional words on the label “for personal consumption, not for sale or profit” written legibly on it.
  3. A person must not clip the wings of a bird released on any specified property after the bird is 8 weeks old.
  4. A person must not clip the beak of any bird released on any specified property at any time.
  5. A person must not hunt:
    1. a pheasant before it is 18 weeks old;
    2. a red-legged partridge before it is 16 weeks old.
  6. A person must not hunt a waterfowl on specified property on the same day that a pheasant or red legged partridge hunt takes place on that property.
  7. The unlimited daily bag for any specified property shall only apply when at least 400 pheasants and/or red legged partridges have been released on to that specified property within 5 months of the opening day of the season; otherwise the daily bag limit shall be 3 birds.
  8. The property owner or lessee must keep a register of:
    1. the names and addresses of hunters and all other persons who take game from that property;
    2. the number and type of birds taken by those persons;
    3. the description of that person’s role in the hunting and killing of game birds on that day.

Beneath the heading “Eastern Fish and Game Region” in the Second Schedule, omit from the table under the clause headed “1. Game That May be Hunted or Killed—Duration of 2019/2020 Season” the row referring to “Cock pheasant.”

Beneath the heading “Eastern Fish and Game Region” in the Second Schedule, insert at the end of the table under the clause headed “1. Game That May be Hunted or Killed—Duration of 2019/2020 Season” the additional rows as shown below:

Cock pheasant

4 May to 25 Aug 2019


All areas except upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 6 for this Region

Pheasant, both sexes

4 May to 25 Aug 2019

No limit

Upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 6 for this Region

Cock pheasant

27 Aug to 15 Sep 2019

No limit

Upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 6 for this Region (junior hunters only)

Red-legged partridge

4 May to 25 Aug 2019

No limit

Upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 6 for this Region

Beneath the heading “Eastern Fish and Game Region” in the Second Schedule, insert after the clause headed “5. Special Conditions” the following clause:

6. Upland Game Properties with Special Conditions

  1. Pirini Family Trust: The property is located 8 kilometres up the Bush Road from Pongokawa. It is bounded by Pongakawa River, Rotoehu Forest and Bush Road, Sections 4, 5 and 7 SO 7437 Block IX Waihi South Survey District. The property is leased by N. Raven.

Beneath the heading “Wellington Fish and Game Region” in the Second Schedule, omit from the table under the clause headed “1. Game That May be Hunted or Killed—Duration of 2019/2020 Season” the rows referring to “Cock pheasant” and “Red-legged partridge.”

Beneath the heading “Wellington Fish and Game Region” in the Second Schedule, insert at the end of the table under the clause headed “1. Game That May be Hunted or Killed—Duration of 2019/2020 Season” the additional rows as shown below:

Cock pheasant

4 May to 25 Aug 2019


All areas except upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 6 for this Region

Pheasant, both sexes

4 May to 25 Aug 2019

No limit

Upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 6 for this Region

Red-legged partridge

4 May to 25 Aug 2019


All areas except upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 6 for this Region


4 May to 25 Aug 2019

No limit

Upland game properties with special conditions specified in clause 6 for this Region

Beneath the heading “Wellington Fish and Game Region” in the Second Schedule, insert after the clause headed “5. Special conditions” the following clause:

6. Upland Game Properties with Special Conditions

  1. Waituna Game Preserve: The land comprises:
    1. Located at Reu Reu Extension Road, Halcombe, Feilding, being 364.0855 hectares in total and contained in valuation reference Lot 22 DP 102, Lots 29 20 31 DP 108, Block 1 Oroua Survey District; Reu Reu Extension Road. The property is owned by Cathy and David Lee Jones.
    2. Located at Reu Reu Extension Road, Halcombe, Feilding, being 573.87 hectares in total and contained in valuation reference Lot 4 DP 662 Block 1 Oroua Survey District. The property is owned by Johan Bremmers.

Dated this 25th day of March 2019.

Hon EUGENIE SAGE, Minister of Conservation.