Notice Type
General Section
Notice Title

Amendment to the Open Season for Game in Fish and Game Regions

Pursuant to sections 15 and 16 of the Wildlife Act 1953, the Minister of Conservation amends the entry for the Southland Fish and Game Region on page 976 of the "Open Season for Game in Fish and Game Regions" Notice, Supplement to the
New Zealand Gazette, 14 March 2012,No. 32, page 949, as follows:
Under the heading
"1 Game That May be Hunted or Killed-Duration of 2012/13 Season"
and after the entry
"Grey/mallard duck and any hybrid of those species, 5 May and 6 May 2012"
replace the daily bag limit of
with a daily bag limit of
so that it reads:
"Species Season Duration
(dates inclusive) Daily Bag
Grey/mallard duck and any hybrid of those species 5 May and 6 May 2012 15"
Dated at Wellington this 2nd day of April 2012.
HON KATE WILKINSON, Minister of Conservation.