Notice Type
Authorities/Other Agencies of State
Notice Title

Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 - Traffic Signs

Pursuant to subclause 4.4(4) of Land Transport Rule:
Traffic Control Devices 2004 and a delegation from the
NZ Transport Agency, I, Glenn Bunting, Network Manager, authorise the installation and maintenance of the sign described in the Schedule to this notice.
Pay parking zone
Parking zone in which parking is permitted subject to payment of a fee. The conditions of parking, including fees and times, which may vary at different times of the day or days of the week, are displayed on the parking machine.
Shape and Size: rectangle 600 x 600 mm
Background: blue (may be reflectorised)
Border: white (may be reflectorised) 15mm
Description Colour Size
Component 1:
R6-1D symbol
above white* As for R6-1D
Component 2:
"Conditions on
Parking Machine"
above white* NZ Tpt Med
‘x’ height 35mm
Component 3:
"Times Vary"
above white* NZ Tpt Med
‘x’ height 25mm
Component 4:
"Zone" or
"Zone Begins" or
"Zone Ends" white*
NZ Tpt Med
‘x’ height 50mm
‘x’ height 100mm
‘x’ height 100mm
*White symbols and text may be reflectorised.
Note: The R6-1D symbol and R6-4 components of this
sign conform with the specification in Schedule 1 of Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004.
Example Pay Parking Zone Sign

Signed at Wellington this 5th day of November 2012.
GLENN BUNTING, Network Manager.