Notice Type
Notice Title

Radiocommunications (Radio Standards) Notice 2010

Pursuant to section 133 of the Radiocommunications Act 1989 and Regulation 32(1)(a), (b), (d), and (j) of the Radiocommunications Regulations 2001, the Chief Executive, Ministry of Economic Development, hereby gives the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Title, commencement and purpose
(a) This notice is the Radiocommunications (Radio Standards) Notice 2010.
(b) This notice comes into force on 5 November 2010.
(c) This notice prescribes:
(i) classes of products;
(ii) the standards applicable to particular classes of products;
(iii) the level of conformity applicable to a class of product; and
(iv) products that are exempt from the need to be the subject of a declaration of conformity.
2. Interpretation
(a) In this notice, unless the context otherwise requires:
ACMA Radiocommunications Standard means a standard made by the Australian Communications and Media Authority under subsection 162(1) of the Australian Radiocommunications Act 1992.
ANSI/TIA means a joint standard or specification published by the American National Standards Association and the Telecommunications Industry Association Standards.
ARIB means a standard published by the Association of Radio Industries and Businesses in Japan.
AS/NZS means a joint Australian/New Zealand standard under the terms of the Active Co-operation Agreement between Standards Australia Limited and Standards New Zealand.
CFR means the Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America.
EN means a standard published by European Telecommunications Standards Institute, commonly known as ETSI.
These standards are recognised by European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation, commonly known as CENELEC, and in the past have been prefixed by ETSI, ETSI TS, ETSI ETS or ETS EN.
IEC means a standard or specification published by the International Electrotechnical Commission.
Product means any interfering equipment which is a radio transmitter.
RFS means a standard or specification published by the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Economic Development.
Regulations means the Radiocommunications Regulations 2001.
TIA TSB means a Telecommunications Systems Bulletin published by the Telecommunication Industry Association Standards.
(b) Other words and expressions contained in this notice that are defined in the Act, Regulations and notices made under the Regulations, have the meanings so defined.
3. Scope
(a) Subject to subsection (b) and except for a radio transmitter operating in conformity with a spectrum licence granted under section 48(1) of the Act, every product must comply with the applicable standard for that type of product and may only be used pursuant to and in conformity with:
(i) a general user radio licence granted by the chief executive under the Regulations.
(ii) a general user spectrum licence granted by the chief executive under section 55A of the Act.
(iii) a radio licence granted by the chief executive under the Regulations.
(iv) an exemption from the requirement for a radio licence granted by the chief executive under the Regulations.
(b) If a product fits any of the following descriptions, the product is exempt from the requirement to be the subject of a declaration of conformity and to be labelled. The products are:
(i) short range device (SRD) radio transmitters installed in vehicles at the time of manufacture.
(ii) military radio transmitters of the New Zealand Defence Force.
(iii) military radio transmitters of the defence force of another country operating in co-operation with the New Zealand Defence Force.
4. Applicable standards
(a) For the purposes of Regulation 32(1)(a), (b), (c), and (d), the applicable standards and levels of conformity apply to specified classes of product as provided in the tables to this notice.
(b) Unless expressly stated to the contrary in this notice:
(i) an amendment or modification to an ACMA Radiocommunication Standard or an AS/NZS standard is effective from the date specified by the authority issuing the amendment or modification.
(ii) a product that is first supplied one year or more after the effective date of an amendment or modification to an ACMA Radiocommunication Standard or AS/NZS standard, must conform to that amended or modified standard.
(c) If an applicable standard is an ACMA Radiocommunications Standard, assessment of conformity of a product to that standard, including the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) performance of the product, must be in accordance with the requirements of:
(i) relevant notices issued by the Australian Communications and Media Authority under section 182 of the Australian Radiocommunications Act 1992; and
(ii) applicable standards made by the Australian Communications and Media Authority under subsection 162(1) of the Australian Radiocommunications Act 1992.
5. Conformity requirements
(a) All products must comply with the requirements of Table 2 of this notice.
(b) If a product is in a class to which Table 1 of this notice applies, the product must comply with the applicable standard to the level of conformity specified in that Table.
(c) If a product is in a class to which Table 1, part 4, Land Mobile and Fixed Services, of this notice applies, use of the product must conform to the requirements of the Radio Spectrum Management Public Information Brochure 38 (PIB 38).
(d) The supplier of a product to which subsection (a) applies must comply with the level of conformity requirements applying to that product as prescribed in the Radiocommunications (Compliance) Notice 2004, published in a Supplement to the New Zealand Gazette, 12 December 2003, No. 170, page 4702, or a notice in replacement thereof.
6. Revocation
The Radiocommunications (Radio Standards) Notice 2008, made pursuant to Regulation 32 of the Radiocommunications Regulations 2001 and published in the New Zealand Gazette, 18 December 2008, No. 195, page 5158, is hereby revoked
on 4 November 2010.
7. Transitional provision
Notwithstanding the revocation of the notice set out in clause 6, every product that is compliant with the requirements of that notice on the commencement date of this notice is deemed to be compliant with the requirements of this notice.
TABLE 1 - Radio Standards
Applicable Standards Level of Conformity
1. Short Range Devices
Short Range Devices: 9 kHz - 40 GHz
Spread Spectrum Devices: 900, 2400 and 5800 MHz bands AS/NZS 4268
AS/NZS 4771 A1
ACMA Radiocommunications (Data Transmission Equipment Using Spread Spectrum Modulation Techniques) Standard 2003
2400 and 5700 MHz bands only 2
ACMA Radiocommunications (Short Range Devices) Standard 2004
2400 and 5700 MHz bands only 1
Short Range Devices (9 kHz - 25 MHz)
Short Range Devices (25 MHz - 1 GHz)
Short Range Devices (above 1 GHz)
Spread Spectrum Devices (2.4 GHz)
High performance RLAN (5 GHz)
Wireless Microphones (25 MHz - 3 GHz)
Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (5.8 GHz)
Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (76 GHz)
Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (24 GHz)
Medical Implant Communication System (402 - 406 MHz) EN 300 330-1 V1.7.1
EN 300 220-1 V2.3.1
EN 300 440-1 V1.6.1
EN 300 328 V1.7.1
EN 301 893 V1.5.1
EN 300 422-1 V1.3.2
EN 300 674-1 V1.2.1
EN 301 091-1 V1.3.3
EN 302 288-1 V1.4.1
EN 301 839-1 V1.3.1 A1
CFR Title 47 (2009 Edition): Part 15 - Radio Frequency Devices:
Subpart C - Intentional Radiators
Subpart E - Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure Devices (UNII).
CFR Title 47 (2009 Edition): Part 95 - General Mobile Radio Service and Personal Mobile Radio Services) (402 - 405 MHz) Sections 15.209, 15.231, 15.239, 15.247, 15.249, 15.251, 15.253, 15.255, 15.401 to 15.407

Section 95.628 A1
Low Power FM Broadcasting (LPFM) Table 3 A1
2. Personal Communications
HF CBRS - Citizen Band Radio Service (26 MHz)
UHF CBRS - Citizen Band Radio Service (476 MHz) AS/NZS 4355
AS/NZS 4365 A3
ACMA Radiocommunications Standard (UHF CB Radio Equipment) Standard 2004 3
CT1 - Cordless Telephones (below 100 MHz)
CT2 - Cordless Telephones (864 - 868 MHz)
DECT - Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
(1880 - 1900 MHz)
PHS - Personal Handyphone System (1895 - 1920 MHz) AS/NZS 4281
MPT 1334:1998
EN 301 406 V2.1.1

ARIB RCR STD-28 Ver. 5.3 A2
3. Maritime, Aeronautical and Safety Services
MF/HF Maritime Mobile (below 30 MHz) AS/NZS 4582
EN 300 373-1 V1.3.1 A3
ACMA Radiocommunications (MF and HF Radiotelephone Equipment
- International Maritime Mobile Service) Standard 2002 3
VHF Maritime Mobile (156 - 174 MHz) AS/NZS 4415
EN 300 162-1 V1.4.1
CFR Title 47 (2009 Edition)
(Part 80, Subpart E) A3
ACMA Radiocommunications (VHF Radiotelephone Equipment - Maritime Mobile Service) Standard 2004 3
VHF Aeronautical ground-based equipment - amplitude modulation (118 - 137 MHz) AS/NZS 4583
EN 300 676-1 V1.5.1 A3
ACMA Radiocommunications (118 MHz to 137 MHz Amplitude Modulated Equipment - Aeronautical Radio Service) Standard 2002 3
121.5 MHz and 243 MHz emergency position indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs) including personal EPIRBs AS/NZS 4330 A3
Maritime survivor locating systems AS/NZS 4869 A3
ACMA Radiocommunications (121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons) Standard 2003 3
406 MHz satellite distress beacons - Marine emergency position-indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs) and personal locator beacons (PLB) AS/NZS 4280 A3
ACMA Radiocommunications (406 MHz Satellite Distress Beacons) Standard 2005 3
Electromagnetic Compatibility and Radio Spectrum Matters (ERM); Avalanche Beacons (457 kHz) EN 300 718-1 V1.2.1 A2
Radar transponders for marine search and rescue (SART) - Operational and performance requirements and methods of test AS/NZS 4432
IEC 61097-1 Ed. 2.0 A2
Survival craft (156.0 - 156.9 MHz) AS/NZS 61097.12
EN 300 225 V1.4.1 A2
4. Land Mobile and Fixed Services
MF/HF Land mobile - SSB (below 30 MHz) AS/NZS 4770
EN 300 373-1 V1.3.1 A3
ACMA Radiocommunications (MF and HF equipment - Land Mobile Service) Standard 2003 3
VHF Land mobile - amplitude modulation - 12.5 kHz channels
(30 - 300 MHz) RFS 21 A3
VHF/UHF Land mobile - angle modulation - 12.5/25 kHz channels
(30 - 1000 MHz) AS/NZ 4295
EN 300 086-1 V1.4.1 A3
UHF Land mobile - angle modulation - trunked radio RFS 32
EN 300 086-1 V1.4.1
CFR47 (2009 Edition) Part 90 A3
ACMA Radiocommunications (Analogue Speech (Angle Modulated) Equipment) Standard 2005 3
TETRA land mobile - 25 kHz channels (800 MHz trunked radio)
APCO P25 land mobile - 12.5 kHz channels (VHF/UHF and 800 MHz trunked radio)
Digital land mobile - 12.5/25 kHz channels (30 - 1000 MHz)
Digital land mobile - ETSI DMR (VHF/UHF) EN 300 394-1 V2.4.1

AS/NZ 4768
EN 300 113-1 V1.6.2 A3
AM/FM paging AS/NZS 4769
EN 300 224-1 V1.3.1 A3
ACMA Radiocommunications (Paging Service Equipment) Standard 2002 3
AM/FM Telemetry and Telecommand RFS 27 A2
VHF/UHF Fixed services - angle modulation - 25/50 kHz channels
UHF Fixed services - angle modulation - studio to transmitter links RFS 36
RFS 37 A2
Digital fixed services 12.5/25 kHz channels (30 - 1000 MHz) AS/NZ 4768 A2
Fixed services - 80 GHz Band (71 - 86 GHz) EN 302 217-3 V1.3.1
CFR Title 47 (2009 Edition) Part 101, Subpart Q A3
Fixed Radio Link Devices (5725 - 5825 MHz):
CFR Title 47 (2009 Edition): Part 15 - Radio Frequency Devices
Subpart E - Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure
Devices (U-NII) Sections 15.401 to 15.407 A2
TABLE 2 - Unwanted Emissions Limits
Spurious Emissions Limit (peak power) Frequency Range Measurement Bandwidth
-56 dBW (2.25µW) e.i.r.p
(59 dBµV/m at 10 metres) < 150 kHz 1 kHz
150 kHz - 30 MHz 10 kHz
30 MHz - 1 GHz 100 kHz
> 1 GHz 1 MHz
TABLE 3 - Low Power FM (LPFM) Unwanted Emissions Limits
Unwanted Emission Limits
(in the resolution bandwidth) Frequency Range
(from carrier) Spectrum Analyser Resolution Bandwidth
-25 dBW 128 kHz - 240 kHz Not to exceed 10 kHz*
-35 dBW > 240 kHz - 600 kHz Not to exceed 100 kHz*
-56 dBW > 600 kHz 100 kHz
*The spectrum analyser shall be set for 5 minute maximum hold
Dated at Wellington this Monday, the 1st day of November 2010.
JEFFREY DENNIS HICKS, Licensing Manager, Radio Spectrum Management, Ministry of Economic Development.
Explanatory Note
This note is not part of the notice, but is intended to indicate its general effect.
This notice prescribes:
(a) classes of products, being interfering equipment and susceptible equipment as defined in section 2(1) of the Radiocommunications Act 1989; and
(b) the standards applicable to particular classes of products; and
(c) the level of conformity applicable to a class of product; and
(d) products that are exempt from the need to be the subject of a declaration of conformity.