Notice Type
Notice Title

Amendment to Food Standards (Notice No. 1579)

Pursuant to section 11G of the Food Act 1981, notice is given that the New Zealand (Maximum Residue Limits of Agricultural Compounds) Food Standards 2007, was issued by the Minister for Food Safety on 27 January 2007 and comes into force 28 days following publication of this notice in the New Zealand Gazette.
Copies of the notice may be inspected or obtained at the office of the New Zealand Food Safety Authority, South Tower, 68–86 Jervois Quay (PO Box 2835), Wellington.
It can also be viewed on the New Zealand Food Safety Authority website
Dated this 2nd day of February 2007.
CAROLE INKSTER, Director (Joint Food Standards),
New Zealand Food Safety Authority (acting pursuant to delegated authority).