Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Vesting of Reclamations

Under section 355 (3) of the Resource Management Act 1991, I, Sandra Lee, Minister of Conservation, vest the fee simple estate of the land described in the Schedule to this notice in D. E. Lees.
North Auckland Land District-Papakura District
1600 square metres, being Lot 1, D.P. 196443, certificate of title 124C/520 and part certificate of title 9B/1172 (Pt) (Ltd).
1600 square metres, being Lot 2, D.P. 196443, certificate of title 124C/521 and part certificate of title 9B/1172 (Pt) (Ltd).
All situated in Block III, Drury Survey District.
Dated at Wellington this 12th day of May 2002.
SANDRA LEE, Minister of Conservation.
(DOC File: CRM 359)