Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Revocation of the Reservation Over Part

of a Reserve
Under the Reserves Act 1977, the Community Relations Manager of the Canterbury Conservancy of the Department of Conservation revokes the reservation over that part of the Government purpose (police purposes) reserve described in the Schedule with the effect that the land is now Crown land available for disposal under the Land Act 1948.
Canterbury Land District-Hurunui District
851 square metres, being Section 2, S.O. 309014, formerly part of Reserve 3404 (New Zealand Gazette, 13 July 1899, page 1311, and New Zealand Gazette, 4 October 1984, page 4151), subject to right to drain sewage over areas marked "B" and "D" on S.O. Plan 309014.
Dated at Christchurch this 6th day of December 2002.
(DOC D.O. PAR 12 07 01)