Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Revocation of the Reservation Over Part

of a Reserve
Under the Reserves Act 1977, the Conservator for the Tongariro/Taupo Conservancy of the Department of Conservation revokes the reservation over that part
of Tongariro Domain Recreation Reserve described in
the Schedule with the effect that the land is now Crown
land available for disposal under the Land Act 1948.
South Auckland Land District-Taupo District
3 square metres, being part Section 3, Block XXXVII,
Town of Taupo; marked "C" on S.O. Plan 61665, part Proclamation H. 411757 and New Zealand Gazette, 20 May 1982, page 1642.
Dated at Turangi this 4th day of December 2002.
(LINZ CPC/99/5226, DOC C.O. LSL 30)