Notice Type
General Notices
Notice Title

Notice of Mortgagee Taking Possession of Mortgaged Property

Pursuant to Section 106 of the Land Transfer Act 1952
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 104DD of the Property Law Act 1952, that Cavell Leitch Pringle
& Boyle Nominees Limited did, on the 18th day of December 2001, enter into possession of the land owned by T.S.Witte Holdings Limited at 1299-1305 Fenton Street, Rotorua, under the terms of the first registered mortgage (B. 074363.5) granted over the following registered lease in favour Cavell Leitch Pringle & Boyle Nominees Limited.
Registered Lease: 077878 and renewal of lease 76767 (South Auckland Registry).
Address of Mortgagee: Care of Cavell Leitch Pringle
& Boyle, Solicitors, Level Ten, Clarendon Tower, corner of Oxford Terrace and Worcester Street, Christchurch.
Cavell Leitch Pringle & Boyle Nominees Limited by its solicitors: