Notice Type
Authorities/Other Agencies of State
Notice Title

Exemption From Requirements of the Code of Practice for the Attachment of Logging Bolsters to Trucks and Trailers Used in the Transport of Logs

Pursuant to Regulation 16A (1) (f) of the Heavy
Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974, and pursuant to powers sub-delegated to me by the Director of Land Transport Safety, I, Peter Waring, Principal Engineer, hereby exempt the vehicles specified in Schedule 1 of this notice from the requirements of the Code of Practice for the Attachment
of Logging Bolsters to Trucks and Trailers Used in the Transport of Logs subject to the conditions specified in Schedule 2 of this notice.
Schedule 1
Vehicle details
Make: Nissan
Model: CG380
VIN No.: JNBCWB45000P02462
8x4 rigid fitted with Patchell convertible unit
Bolster Nos
940705, 940706
Schedule 2
(1) Bolster attachments to use existing design with 250,000km recorded truck operation without failure.
(2) Minor modifications to the existing design are only permissible if the certifier can demonstrate by calculation or approved type test that the performance and life of the bolster attachments have not been diminished by the modifications.
(3) This exemption will expire on recertification of the bolster attachments to a type testing process approved by the Log Transport Safety Committee and the Land Transport Safety Authority, or on the expiry of
6 months, whichever occurs soonest.
Signed at Wellington this 12th day of October 2000
P. WARING, acting under authority sub-delegated to me by way of an instrument of delegation dated 3 May 1999.