Notice Type
Notice Title

Notice of Variation of a Scheduled International Air Service Licence

Pursuant to section 87J (6) of the Civil Aviation Act 1990, section 41 of the State Sector Act 1988, and a delegation from the Secretary for Transport dated 29 March 2000, and further to a notice in the New Zealand Gazette, 21 February 2002, No. 16, page 481, I give notice that having received an application from Air New Zealand Limited, the Minister of Transport has varied the Scheduled International Air Service Licence held by that airline to provide for:
? in respect of Hong Kong:
(i) code-share services over the routing "Points in New Zealand, optionally via any point/s (excluding Mainland China and Taiwan), to Hong Kong, and optionally beyond to any point/s (excluding Mainland China and Taiwan)";
(ii) capacity, for own-aircraft services, of up to seven frequencies per week with any aircraft type; and
(iii) capacity, for code-share services where Air
New Zealand is the marketing carrier, to be as filed with and acknowledged by the Secretary for Transport, with the proviso that fifth freedom
and stopover traffic rights may not be exercised between Hong Kong and either the intermediate or beyond points.
? in respect of New Caledonia:
(i) a note to the effect that capacity for Route (2) by way of code-share arrangements on frequencies operated by a designated airline of France shall not be considered in the calculation of operated frequencies, provided that a French carrier is offering an equal amount of code-share capacity on Air New Zealand services.
? in respect of Thailand:
(i) services commencing at points in New Zealand, optionally via intermediate points, to points in Thailand, and optionally to beyond points;
(ii) unlimited capacity with third and fourth freedom rights; and
(iii) fifth freedom traffic rights on up to 21 frequencies per week, using any aircraft type.
Signed at Wellington this 16th day of April 2002.
JOHN BRADBURY, Deputy Secretary Air Services.